♥ Halwa Telinga ♥

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Those word really touch me inside!

Aku suka bila hati aku disakiti,,ia menjadikan aku lebih matang... Aku suka bila orang lupakan aku,,ia mengajar aku hidup sorang.. Aku suka bgembira dan ketawa dgn rakan2,,mmberitahu aku psahabat itu mbahagiakn.. Aku suka putus cinta,,ia mmbuatkan aku redha keputusanNya.. Aku suka gagal periksa,,ia mngajar aku untuk lebih berusaha.. ^^,

I wish i could get more,,but what i get just now is more than enough...TQ for your undetectable surprise! I'll promise you,,only you in my heart sayang! I love you! ♥ ♥ ♥

it is strange when you are away..it is strange when you walk in my way..it is strange when you look me in the eyes..

hari ceria,,hati gembira,,jiwa ketawa,,ohh indahnya suasana! ♥ ♥ ♥ =))

hargaila dia selagi terdaya,,sayangilah hatinya selagi ada percaya,,cintaila dia selagi hayatmu ada....♥ ♥

semakin hari semakin matang ku menempuh segala yang berlaku dalam hidupku,,bersamanya aku rasa sungguh dihargai,,betapa dia mengajar aku erti sabar dan sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang telah ku miliki..Alhamdulillah ^^,


when you realize that someone you hate is actually the person that you love..

bila orang kata dia benci kita maknanya dia maksudkan apa yang dia kata,,tapi bila dia kata dia sayangkan kita,,jangan cepat sangat percaya tapi tunggu dan lihatlah keikhlasan hatinya..hehe =))

pagi yang indah harus dihiasi dengan senyuman yang menawan kerana dengan senyuman hati merasa tenang lantas fikiran pun terasa lapang..=)

apa ada dgn diri anda??klbihan yg anda ktahui slalunya adalah kkurangan yg ramai org cari..sifat dengki dan iri hati seringkali mnyelubungi diri mereka..krna klebihan kita adalah kkurangan mereka..kkurangan mereka adalah klebihan kita,,taukh mereka bahawa yg selebihnya ada pada kita,,dan yg kurangnya ada pada mereka..yg lebih kurangnya adalah kita...jadi,,fahamkh anda tentang apa yg cube saya sampaikan disini??? ^^,

khas buat sahabat : psahabatan is not base on ur status or ur look,,it is all about ur heart! klu ko rase hidup or bkawan dgn org2 yg cantik bgaya n kaya raya mbuatkn ko selesa wlaupun itu bukan taraf ko,,ya,,teruskn dude! cos u know what?we dont need a friend like u! sbb org2 yg hina xbergaya n not that rich mcm kitorg ni is not cool at all tok ko..soo tunggu ape??get lost jela beb! hope one day u will regret it!

Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle..^^,

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend. ♥ ♥ ♥

A boy is a magical creature, you can lock him out of your workshop, but you can’t lock him out of your heart. You can get him out of your study, but you can’t get him out of your mind....;)

Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

listen to your heart....♥ then magical happen!

Don't ever let them control ur mind cos they are just going to make u feel sooo down the ground!

I miss your smile,,I miss your jokes,,I miss all your story,,I miss the moment when you and me shares the love that we have.. ♥ MOHD LIZAL ♥ p/s: i miss u sayang...

♥ to be with my friend cos they are my precious thing ever in my life! =))

Apa gune bercinta andai tiada kesetiaan,,apa guna persahabatan andai tiada kepercayaan,,apa guna hidup andai tiada keberanian...

thats all i can give too u,,
later on if i have a new idea on writing a new sentence,,
i will paste it here k??
see ya later guys! love ya! ♥ ♥ ♥

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